Astrolabium, in situ installation, Temple des passions humaines, Brussels, Belgium
From the Timespace series
in situ installation, Atelier gallery, Jaworzno
From the Timespace series
Installation, IMO gallery
Realized as part of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Republic of Poland
Frome Timespace series, in situ installation, BWA Gallery in Bydgoszcz, dimensions: 380x500x500 cm
Realized as part of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Republic of Poland
Frome Timespace series, in situ installation, Palace in Goszcz, dimensions: 300x400x400 cm Frome Timespace series, in situ installation, Wspólna Gallery in Bydgoszcz, dimensions: 350x50x50 cmPulsar, in situ video installation BWA gallery in Bydgoszcz, diameter 600 cm Realized as part of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Republic of Poland
Pulsar, video in situ installation BWA gallery in Olsztyn, 270x600x400 cm Realized as part of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Republic of Poland
From Observatory series, robot arm, laser, lightsensitive material
Anteriora, in situ installation, Wozownia gallery in Toruń, diameter 500 cm.Frome Timespace series, in situ instalation, CoCa gallery in Torun, dimensions: 320x600x700 cm