Papier The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, wym. 20x20cm, technika: suchy druk, właściciel: galeria Wozownia The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Penumbra cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, , owner: Wozownia gallery The Natalis cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm, The Natalis cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm The Natalis cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm The Natalis cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm The Natalis cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm The Natalis cycle, tech. blind print, dimentions: 20×20 cm